Tips for Great Coffee

The Perfect Cup

How finely the coffee is ground, the coffee to water ratio, the temperature of the water, and how quickly the water “seeps” through the coffee determines the quality of the cup. 

Water temperature should be around 200 degrees. Not too hot to scorch the coffee, but hot enough to cause the coffee to “brew.” If coffee is ground too finely, it will be over-extracted and taste bitter. If it’s too coarse, it will be under-extracted.  We can help you match your brewer to determine the best grind. Serve immediately to ensure maximum flavor and aroma.  Keep extra coffee in an airtight carafe. Brewed coffee left on direct heat will begin to break down, causing a bitter taste in the cup.

No Beans About It

The Best Storage Suggestions

Buy whole beans. Would you bake fresh bread and cut it into pieces to lay out and dry for days ahead of serving it? Of course not! The same goes for coffee. For the best-tasting coffee, buy your beans whole and store them in a sealed container in a dark place. Grind them and use within 15 minutes for the maximum flavor. Air and light are coffee’s worst enemy. Coffee picks up other flavors, so be careful where it is stored.

To Freeze or Not to Freeze

Refrigerated or frozen coffee can dehydrate the coffee, reducing the moisture content of the product.

Whole Been


*Refrigerated or Frozen coffee can dehydrate the coffee, reducing the moisture content of the product.

The freshest roasted coffee anywhere!

To order your favorite blend, call or stop in today, and we’ll roast it while you eat!

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